When Safety goes Green

To celebrate 1 year RIDDOR free in December, which was accomplished by everyone working together to create a safe working environment, we wanted to say thank you. We have planted 683 trees in Madagascar through partnering with More Trees – one for each member of our team. 

Trees play a vital role in our environment, as they not only provide a source of oxygen but also help in reducing our carbon footprint. For every tree planted with More Trees, an estimated 0.3t of CO2 is sequestered over its growth life.

Liz Hancock, Head of Safety, Health, Environment and Facilities commented: “We believe that the health and safety of our employees is paramount, so we’ve chosen to plant some trees in recognition of the hard work that everyone has put in to make our workplace a safer place to be – the health of everyone is dependent on the health of the planet.”

We have taken a significant step towards creating a safer and healthier planet for all of us. We are proud to have contributed to this cause and hope to continue making efforts towards creating a better world for ourselves and future generations. 

Let us all work together to promote a greener and more sustainable planet.

Click here to find out more: https://www.moretrees.eco/ 

Adding Value with:

Corporate Social Responsibility, Increased Safety